We believe that all students deserve empowering and confidence-building relationships and sex education (RSE) lessons in all schools. That's what we're here to deliver.
We offer curriculum-aligned workshops covering these four crucial RSE topics for pupils of all ages, including from year three to sixth form:
- Periods
- Consent
- Gender and sexuality
- Bullying, friendships and being kind
Please see more information below about the content of our workshops:
- Periods and period poverty
- The politics behind periods
- Facts about periods and the menstrual cycle
- Menopause
- How boys can help end period stigma
- What kinds of products can be used
- What to do if your period stops
- Friendships and bullying
- Why friendships and bullying matters to your mental and physical wellbeing
- Self-love
- Beauty myths
- How to choose your friends
- How the law protects students
- how to defeat a bully and to question whether students have ever been a bully without realising
- Gender and sexuality
- Why it's important to learn about gender and sexuality
- How the law has improved equal rights for everyone, while debating whether we still have a way to go
- The concept of gender and sex
- Explore how the two concepts above intertwine
- Terms such as asexual, homosexual, heterosexual, etc, and how they interrelate
- What comprises a healthy relationship
- The idea of marriage and analysing myths associated with it
- Consent
- The politics behind consent debates
- The law and legal power we all have
- What consent actually looks like
- How students know what they want to do
- Whether anyone or anything can give consent for you (they can't)
- Whether consent is important in other settings, such as in public
We can deliver this programme in person or online and tailor our content to your needs and the interests of your students.
We work with a strict safe space policy where students can ask questions and discuss without judgement or fear of backlash from other students.
We offer:
- One hour session - £150
- Half day session (covering two topics) - £275
- Whole day session (covering all four topics) - £550
Haig Howard, Deputy Head Pastoral at St Andrew's School, Pangbourne, said:
"Laura came to St Andrew’s on a beautiful sunny morning to talk to our Year 6, 7 and 8s about topics ranging from Bullying to Consent and Periods. This was part of our PSHEE/RSE course requirement and all pupils responded fantastically. Any stigmas were immediately overcome as the children (who were in mixed “break-out” year groups for much of the morning) spoke freely to one another and answered questions willingly within a larger forum.
"I thoroughly urge schools to invite Laura and the team to talk about these issues in a relevant and up-to-date manner – our pupils took so much from it all and we will definitely be inviting Laura back again!"
To book your workshop and discuss further, please either fill in the form below or email us at info@sexedmatters.co.uk.
RSE workshop: state schools/colleges
We will be in touch with you shortly to organise a consultation call, in which we can set dates for our workshop with you. We can't wait to visit you soon!